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Jeff King struck gold in Memphis. The former U.S. Marine is stylish and well-dressed, with dark hair and a soul patch, and he comes across as suave, confident, and likable....

Many young professionals and families are migrating outside of large cities and moving to smaller metro areas. Memphis is one of the top 10 cities in the U.S. that has a hot housing market and there are plenty of reasons why. Here are our top...

Yes, a security deposit is one thing you cannot get away from when renting a new place. Landlords put them in place for good reason, but tenants also have rights when it comes to a security deposit. Many think they won’t ever see it again....

Why do Investors love owning in the Greater Memphis Area? The Memphis real estate market is one of the hottest markets in the country. It is one of the best cities for first-time buyers and millennials, and it has one of the best rental demands...