Articles and information for homeowners.

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Recent Articles for Homeowners

Meridian Property Management creates higher returns for owners of rental properties. How? We maintain the lowest vacancy levels, provide exceptional property upkeep and have an on-call service team.

Investing in real estate is a great way to increase your net worth, but who says you have to live in the properties you purchase? Rental properties are great investments as not only do you invest in real estate but you also get monthly rental......

Over the past year, rents have skyrocketed across the country. Memphis and its sub-markets are no exception. So what factors should an investor consider when deciding whether to “turn” a property and pursue fair market rent or renew an existing lease for a potentially smaller,......

It is no secret that much has changed in the housing market this year. The many shifts have also effected the those who reside in and own rental properties. Factors such as economic changes, supply and demand, job and wage growth, and interest rates all......

A property management report is a crucial component for owning an investment property. Meridian Property Management will take the organizational burdens off you to help maintain a successful investment. ...

For those who are looking to rent or invest a home in Memphis, it's important to know what qualities and features you want in your property manager. There are certain traits to consider that will make the process smoother for everyone involved....

As a parent, one of the most important decisions you will make is where to buy your home. There are many different things to consider when buying a new home, but making sure that it has access to quality schools should be at the top of your list!...

Considering a Property Manager?

We save homeowners money and drastically reduce the stress of managing a property independently.

"MPM has really gained my complete confidence."

"I have been doing business with Meridian Pacific Properties and Meridian Property Management since late 2012. I was impressed with their professionalism and transparency from the beginning. After going through more than a few incidents (that were certainly part of the expected risk profile of rental property investments) MPM has really gained my complete confidence. The portfolio that they assisted me in creating has, and continues, to perform well. My annual net cash return on invested capital is about 7.6%, and I consider that satisfactory. I have also seen about 30% in gross portfolio appreciation over the period. When eventual problems do arise, the appropriate individuals will get involved, right up to their founders and principals if required. I can recommend both MPP and MPM for your property investment and management needs."

- Jack Stark (Rental Property Investor since 2012) gave Meridian 5 Stars on Google

How to Start Investing in Rental Properties

Property Management in Memphis
Property Management in Memphis

How to Start Investing in Rental Properties